Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sorry about one eye being bigger than the other on the Koala.


  1. Nice drawing! You have talent!
    I love your cat, Snowy. I have a black cat named Jimmy Choo. And I also have his two sisters, Manola Blahnik and Flip Flop.

  2. Thank you.My Mom showed me your cats,Jimmy Choo is SOOO cute!Which one is Flip Flop and Manola Blahnik?.Snowys sister's name is Shadow and she is 5.We actually have their father, Rusty and he's 7 or 8 yrs old.

  3. Manola is the tuxedo pattern - in the picture alone. And Flip Flop is the one with more white in the pic w/ Jimmy.
    We've had them since Feb. of this year. They only weighed 2 lbs. each when we got them. Now the girls weight 8 lbs. each and the boy weighs more.
    Do you ever draw your cats?

  4. Sometimes i TRY to draw them,But I always mess them up.When we got the kitties we didn't know how much they weighed,But they were skinny,And we how to bottle feed them.All of your kitties are cute!
